26 April 2012

Kagi no Kakatta Heya #2

Rating (Kanto): 16.5%
My Rating: 4.5/5 stars 

Hints: Mathematical formula & red tape/confetti?

Not really a surprise but my keyword for this episode is... mystery.

Since I saw the preview for episode 2, I was already intrigued by the mystery (lol).. why.. how is such room be made as a closed room...?  I didn't attempt to read this chapter yet :P (just started yesterday).. My attention was on this mystery... 

Hmmm.. seems like they'll follow this pattern huh.. The trio in the room while Enomoto introduces the case... & the ending we'll have Enomoto introduce (again) the preview for next episode. :P 


...some weird editing again for this episode (well, it's the same director for eps 1 :P hehe)... 

As the director tweeted, the opening was different!  I'm going to list the hints from now on :P

Anyway... Enomoto Kei gets more mysterious in this episode. The person who asked for his help in solving the supposedly suicide case of his nephew, Aida Aiichiro... as Serizawa-sensei wondered out loud in the end, what is their relationship? Aida can pick-lock too (& seems like he was caught few years ago)... & the scene right after the conversation between Serizawa & Junko seem to suggest that Enomoto might have been involved in some illicit activities (I've read somewhere that Enomoto's background in the novel is of grey area...problems with law or sth)... especially with the sound of police siren in the background while he pick-lock, it's hard not to think of it this way. Though..it is revealed that he was just helping a lady who got locked out of her house. Weird Enomoto. 


Serizawa was more sensitive (or paranoid?) in this episode because his expensive watch collection was stolen in the beginning. Whenever he saw someone wearing expensive watches (similar to his collection I guess), he had to ask them where they bought it XD.. There's a scene where he already 'acknowledged' Aida as the watch thief (& Junko reminded him that he wasn't the thief) lol.. Oh.. it's kind of nice to see Serizawa joining in their brainstorming session XD but I thought he hates mystery novels?.. maybe he approves of Enomoto who doesn't look like typical detective that he's annoyed with... During the scene where Enomoto finally unlocked the answer (lol), there was a brief moment where childish Serizawa put a tape on Enomoto's shoulder... Junko saw it, gave him the look & took it off Enomoto. XD

There's this conversation---
S: You know what I hate most after mystery novels?
J: Romance novels?
S: It's paranormal/horror novels.

..I thought it was interesting because Kishi Yusuke (the author of the novels this dorama is based on) wrote in both genre. :)

...preview for next episode:

OMG.. that scene where Enomoto looked at Junko!!!

E: Aoto-san. Do you have a boyfriend? 
J: *looks at him straightaway*

Well... It might mean nothing really :D *don't want to get too excited* but next episode is full of amazing guest appearances! Even the author himself is there!

edit on 05-May-2012

This is how Junko met Enomoto & Aida in the novel. Rough translation only (& not necessarily accurate).

Junko: Firstly, there's something I want to ask... Regarding Aida-san & Enomoto-san.. How are you related to each other? *suspicious*
Enomoto: He's an old friend. *serious face*
J: Not someone who is in the same trade...?
E: Same trade...? No. As far as I know, I don't think Aida-san has ever work as a security consultant before. Am I right, Aida-san?
Aida: Yes..
excerpt/pword: kagi2 ]
*typed out by me with help from japanese language learning apps (to read kanji characters) XD*

I left out parts that might be spoiler.. Those parts are hard to understand for me :P.. but I really think it's spoilerish (about what/who Enomoto really is..).. at this point, I think the scriptwriter is brilliant for wanting to make Enomoto's background a mystery for the dorama. Another thing.. I don't know why yet, but I feel like Junko (novel) makes up a part of Serizawa's character...