Showing posts with label 1st Post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1st Post. Show all posts

01 January 2016

Otona Joshi

My rating: 3.5-4 out of 5 stars

Reason for watching this: Fruitage Inc.

(with spoilers and otome game references)

11 July 2008


I've long been thinking having a separate blog for my ravings, comments, fangirlings, ... nitpickings... etc. It's just not fair for those who only want to know my opinion on a drama to have to go through my other personal posts.


I do know how to spell nitpicking. It's just that nit-picking, nitpicking, nitpicker, nitpickers are not available.. (Don't get me start on reviews/review..etc) and I think this is better than the previous me-reviews

Other than nitpicking, I think neat-picking can also mean picking something neatly.