26 March 2012

Lucky Seven #9 & #10 [Final]

Ratings (Kanto): 15.6% (#9), 16.9% (#10)
Average: 15.6%

My ratings: 
9  | 4.5/5
10 | 4.5/5

I think I love this case best! :P ... was already enjoying them from the beginning. There were more action scenes in these two episodes.. even Toko-san performed the kick [that I assume] mentioned by Tsukushi-san before. Everyone showed their cool side again :D... 

Ohh.. I was surprised by Kaga Takeshi's appearance! What a presence to have in Lucky Seven! すごい。 ...& Nitta is back~!  So.. he was doing undercover work for all this while (supposedly :P.. I can never get over the fact Eita went missing in the middle because he's busy with another acting project)... The moment Nitta appeared, my attention was on him again lol.. The ending scene was funny too...it almost made me want a sequel...

...but I don't really want it, to be honest. 

I was expecting a better chemistry between the seven than what I'd seen... it was kind of vague..? Unstable? 微妙って感じ?Hmm. It wasn't as strong as what I experienced with other doramas (& this Lucky Seven detective agency has so much potential)... At times, someone will act quite unnatural... then another time, another person act the same... Of course, I have to admit it was better than the beginning... especially after Nitta left, but... that was it.

Maybe seven is too many?

p/s: Read some rumours about a movie sequel...