24 June 2012

Mikeneko Holmes no Suiri #10


Rating (Kanto): 11.0
My rating: 4/5 stars

OHHH... Interesting case! This involved people Yoshitaro knows so it's even more puzzling than before.

Firstly... Didn't Jinnai played a similar role before in Nemureru Mori??? *have faint memories on the dorama XD* Oh..well, I'm not really complaining. Just curious.

I really enjoyed watching Yoshitaro in this episode. I'm pleasantly surprised by his strong sense of justice. I was like "You've grown huh!" *imaginary pat* XD..  Well, that was before he knows about Kaneda's past with his father. Ah.. but I think he'll stick to the justice part though, giving excuses like "he has served his time for his crimes" (though he hasn't really finished them by running away...) or "Dad would have done the right thing"...

Holmes. Hmm.. I don't really get why Holmes has to leave *almost forgot about previous case*.. I think he doesn't want Yoshitaro to change to something worse.. but he kept looking out for Yoshitaro anyway.. Gosh, cats are so complicated at times...

p/s: Double endings & having audience vote for which ending to be used? I'm inclined to think this was to pull in higher ratings. Didn't they do the same thing for eps 1?