Originally posted on Tuesday, June 20, 2006 in my old blog
detta detta detta
Kurosaki: *sees Yukari* detta. *waves* Why are you here?
Yukari: I need your help.
Kurosaki: detta. Please humbly help me reject it.
Yukari: Wait! Wait! Please...only for a while.
Yuuko-senpai's grandma: How long do I have to wait anymore? Please settle it quickly.
Kurosaki: Dare? (Who's that?)
Yukari: A victim. She's my important Yuuko-senpai's grandmother.
Grandma: Yes.
Yukari: Please help her.
Grandma: Please help me.
Kurosaki: detta.
Grandma: anata.. (You.) Are you listening to me? *throws sth to Kurosaki*
Grandma: *knocks* Kurosaki-san. *knocks again* Kurosaki-san. Kurosaki-san. *sees Tsurara* Here. Looks like no one's in.
Tsurara: yea..
Grandma: Really disappointing. I came here specially to meet him. *smells sth* Wait. Smells good. Are you cooking?
Tsurara: Ah...yes..
Grandma: What are you cooking? *enters Tsurara's room*.. Ah, not bad! So clean... Compared with my granddaughter - really different!
Tsurara: Granddaughter?
Grandma: She's your senior, right? ... May I borrow this? Looks delicious. *tries* yummy! Where's that seasoning...
Tsurara: You are Yuuko-senpai's grandmother?
Grandma: Yes. I'm Yuuko-senpai's grandmother.
Tsurara: I'm Yoshikawa Tsurara.
Someone was caught at Katsura's restaurant.. Tsurara saw that it's not Kurosaki & ran home.
Tsurara: ne.. Wait!
Kurosaki: Oi. You're so noisy. You'll cause earthquake.
Tsurara: No... There's police at the Katsura restaurant. Someone was caught.. Could it be one of his (Katsura) accomplice? ne.. I'm asking you!
Kurosaki: How would I know?
Tsurara: Also.. That person who caught him... is the same person who beats you..
Kurosaki: That's what *I don't get what he said*
Tsurara: Are you alright? You are one of his accomplice too, right? Wouldn't you be caught too?
Kurosaki: Now you are being a busybody again.
Tsurara: Yukari.
Yukari: *walks away*
Tsurara: Wait.
Yukari: I said that I DON'T want to talk to you anymore.
Tsurara: I always think if he don't stop swindling, it would be better if he's caught. But, thinking about it again, if it really happens.. it would be very frightening.
Yukari: What are you talking about? How could it be?
Tsurara: Please! Please stop him. I would not let him swindle anymore.
Yukari: Impossible. I agree with his revenge-seeking.
Tsurara: You'll just let him be although it will make him suffer more?
Yukari: Didn't he seek revenge because he suffers from being swindled? Isn't doing nothing will make one suffer more?
Tsurara: By letting go EVERYTHING... is that what you call "seeking revenge"? I don't want it to be like this! Life should be full of dreams and hopes...or things like that, isn't it? Yukari, please. Stop him.
Yukari: Stop it already. *walks away*
Yuuko's grandmother brought Tsurara some food
Grandma: This... If Tsurara-chan eats this with "that someone", it would tastes more delicious.
Tsurara: To make someone, who doesn't want to be happy, happy, is indeed an impossible thing to happen.
Grandma: What's great about "happiness" anyway?
The ending scene seem to give *somewhat* hopes to Kurosaki, isn't it?
Kashina said, "You are alone."
Katsura said, "It's time to throw it away."
Yet, Tsurara said,"You are NOT alone."
Her kindness was just too much for him, that he "doesn't know" what to do or react... When you had lose hope and trust towards this world, would you dare to accept this *little* tinge of happiness into your dark life? Is it worth it?
...ah ...Kurosaki threw away the food Tsurara prepared for him.... Why, oh, why?